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MSHA Mandatory Training → New Miner

Part 48b Surface New Miner Certification (24 hour)

This course is structured to meet the requirements of MSHA Part 48b Surface New Miner training. This course is intended for the contractor or mine employee that needs the full 24 hours of Part 48b training covering all the mandatory subjects required by MSHA, except a physical mine tour. After satisfactory completion of this course you will receive a MSHA training certificate (5000-23) via email from your instructor.

This course consist of two modules. The first module includes prep work that your instructor assigns to you. This module will consist of training videos, handouts, exercises, presentations, and quizzes. Your instructor will be following your progress as you make your way through this module and is available by instant course messaging at all times.

After you complete module 1, you will schedule a Zoom session with your instructor. These virtual sessions are conducted on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursdays of every week. You will be required to have a working webcam and microphone for this portion of the course. In this module your instructor will expand on some of the topics that you trained on in module one and also tailor the training to your job and mine type.

This training will be conducted in accordance with our Part 48 Cooperative training plan. You are not required to have your own training plan unless you will also be working at a Part 46 mine. If you will be working at a Part 46 mine then you will be required your own training plan. We can help you with this.

Will I Get a MSHA Certificate?

Upon completion of the online self-paced portion of the course a generic certificate will be generated. This certificate is only to show completion of the online portion. After you have completed the full 24 hours of training in the virtual classroom, your instructor will email you a certified MSHA Form 5000-23 training certificate. This certificate will show the 24 hours of classroom training has been completed. Block 4 of the certificate, date training was completed, will be left blank by your instructor. MSHA does not consider the training complete until you receive a physical mine tour. Your training is completed once your mine tour is completed.

What Needs To Be Done Before I Can Work On Mine Property?

MSHA requires that you receive a physical mine tour before you can work on mine property. It is recommended that you contact the mine you will be working at to ensure they have an instructor available to conduct your mine tour and complete your certificate. Most of the mining companies are aware of this requirement and have instructors available to conduct your mine tour and complete your certificate. Contact us if you have any questions about this.
  • Course Tutorial
  • Welcome Message
  • Part 48 vs Par 46 Certifications
  • We Are Miners
  • History of Mine Safety and Health Legislation in the USA
  • Introduction To The Work Environment
  • Introduction to Mining
  • Who Is MSHA?
  • What Causes Accidents?
  • Section 1 Quiz
  • Electrical Hazards and Lockout/Tagout of Energy Sources
  • Dangers of Low Voltage Electricity
  • MSHA Lock Out Tag Out Standards
  • MSHA Lockout Tagout Handout
  • Lockout/Tagout of Mining Equipment
  • How To Lockout Mobile Equipment
  • Never Walk By an Unsafe Act
  • Section 2 Quiz
  • Escape and emergency evacuation plans; fire warning and firefighting
  • Fire Extinguishers and Inspections
  • How To Properly Use A Fire Extinguisher
  • Stop the Fire In Its Tracks
  • Emergency Evacuation Procedures
  • Mine Emergencies - Managing a Mine Emergency
  • Emergency & Evacuation Exercise #1
  • Emergency and Evacuation Exercise #2
  • Section 3 Quiz
  • hazard recognition
  • Prevention of Accidents
  • Hazard Recognition Through Workplace Examinations
  • Pre-Shift Inspections on Mining Equipment
  • MSHA Risk Assessment (SLAM)
  • What Could Happen If you Fail To Recognize a hazard?
  • Section 4 Quiz
  • Health & Safety Aspects Of The Tasks To Be Assigned
  • Conveyor Safety in Mining
  • Belt Conveyor Safety Alert
  • Mobile Equipment Safety
  • Confined Space in Mining
  • Confined Space Safety Alert
  • Confined Space Entry Handout
  • Ladder Safety
  • Housekeeping is Everyone's Responsibility
  • Compressed Gas Safety
  • Gas Cylinder Accident video
  • Maintenance Turnaround Safety
  • Section 5 Quiz
  • Transportation controls and communication systems
  • Traffic Control & Communication for Surface Mine Operations
  • Traffic Control Document
  • Fatalities Involving Large Mining Equipment
  • Section 6 Quiz
  • Statuatory Rights of Miners and their representatives & Supervisors Role
  • Miners Rights & Responsibility
  • Miners Rights and Responsibilities-MSHA
  • Miners Rights Handout
  • A Supervisor's Role
  • Section 7 Quiz
  • Self-rescue and respiratory devices
  • MSHA Respiratory Protection Awareness
  • MSHA's Respiratory Protection Document
  • Section 8 Quiz
  • Fall Prevention and Protection
  • Hierarchy of Fall Protection
  • The ABC's of Fall Protection
  • Fall Protection Can Save Your Life
  • Always Ultilize the Proper PPE for the Task
  • Fall Protection Safety Alert
  • Fall Protection Handout
  • Section 9 Quiz
  • MSHA.GOV Assignment
  • Health
  • Silica Safety Awareness
  • Stop Silicosis
  • Hearing Conservation MSHA's Part 62
  • Cold Exposure - Cold Weather Safety Tips
  • MSHA Cold Stress Handout
  • The Dangers of Heat Stress
  • MSHA Heat Stress Handout
  • Back Safety
  • Section 10 Quiz
  • Personal Protective Equipment
  • PPE For Safety
  • PPE Standards
  • Why You Need a Hard Hat
  • Eye Injuries Are Preventable
  • MSHA Hearing Protection Handout
  • The Importance Of Being Seen- Hi-Vis
  • Section 11 Quiz
  • Hazard Communication (HAZCOM)
  • Hazardous Chemical Safety
  • HAZCOM-What You Need to Know
  • Conducting A Chemical Hazard Determination
  • MSHA HAZCOM Handout
  • SDS Handout
  • Section 12 Quiz
  • Ground control; working in areas of highwalls, water hazards, and Illumination
  • Proper Ground Control
  • Highwall Safety
  • Inspecting Highwalls
  • Safety Around Water in Mining
  • Water-Related Fatalities Handout
  • Working at Night
  • Section 13 Quiz
  • MSHA Training Requirements
  • Site Specific Hazard Training
  • Who Needs MSHA Training
  • What If We Work on Both Part 46 and Part 48 Mines
  • Common Part 46 and 48 Questions Answered
  • Section 14 Quiz
  • Mining Contractor Responsibilities
  • MSHA Regulations For Mining Contractors
  • MSHAs Contractor Compliance Video - Introduction to Video
  • MSHA Part 50 Reporting Requirements
  • Part 50 Medical Treatment and First Aid
  • Part 100 - MSHA Fines
  • Common Contractor MSHA Citations
  • Section 15 Quiz
  • Powered Haulage
  • Powered Haulage - Get Them on Board
  • Preventing Powered Haulage Accidents at Surface Mines
  • Powered Haulage Safety: Be Alert!
  • Powered Haulage Collision Prevention Handout
  • Seat Belts Saves Lives
  • MSHA Seat Belt Success Story
  • Seat Belt Safety
  • Seat Belt Safety Flyer
  • Working Around Equipment
  • Stay Calm and Stay in the Cab
  • 7 Deadly Distractions While Driving and Operating Machinery
  • Section 16 Quiz
  • MSHA Law and Regulations
  • The Mine ACT of 1977
  • New Miner ACT of 2006
  • Title 30 Code of Federal Regulations
  • MSHA Program Policy Manual Vol IV
  • Section 17 Quiz
  • First Aid/CPR/AED
  • First Aid Training Intro
  • CPR Basics-ACT now!
  • How To Control Bleeding
  • How to Treat Someone for Shock
  • Choking-Abdominal Thrusts
  • Treatment For Burns and Blisters
  • How To Properly Use A First Aid Kit
  • Section 18 Quiz
  • Miscellaneous Safety Training
  • Top 20 MSHA Standards Cited
  • Assignment-Look up MSHA Standards
  • Pedestrian Safety in Mining
  • Strains & Sprains
  • Good Housekeeping Prevents Fires
  • Slips Trips Falls
  • Housekeeping is Everyone's Responsibility
  • MSHA Rules To Live By
  • Section 19 Quiz
  • Explosives
  • Explosive Safety
  • Flyrock Fatality
  • Section 20 Quiz
  • Conclusion
  • The Unsafe Risk Taker
  • Don't Take Short Cuts
  • Make it Safe, Make it Personal, Make it Home
  • Congratulations! Whats Next?
  • Schedule Your Live Session
  • Conclusion
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: 1 year